There are over 35,000 described species of spiders worldwide, with about 3,000 occurring in North America. Some species of spiders have a poisonous bite.
These are the types of fly infestations you will most likely encounter: Black Widow spider, Brown Recluse spider, Domestic House spider, Funnel Web spider, Garden spider, Common Hose spider, Jumping spider, Orb Weaver spider, Tarantula spider, Wolf spider, and the Yellow Sac spider.
Size & Color
Spiders range from as small as 1/4” to as large as 2 1/2” on their bodies, and legs as long as 4”, depending on the species. Spider colors can vary from hues of green, brown, gray, and black with various markings or stripes, depending on the species.
Controlling Methods & Tips
Here are some general tips and guidelines to prevent and mitigate your fly problem.
- Removing or limiting heavy, ground-covering vegetation near the building.
- Installing tight-fitting screens on all attic and foundation vents.
- Sealing holes around pipes indoors to prevent spiders from entering the living spaces of the home by following plumbing lines in basements and crawl spaces. Sealing holes around pipes indoors to prevent spiders from entering the living spaces of the home by following plumbing lines in basements and crawl spaces.
- Regular removal of spider webs is the best way to limit these spiders.
- Sealing up cracks around windows and doors helps prevent their entry.
- Switch exterior lights to the yellow “bug” light bulbs which attract fewer flying insects on which spiders feed.
- Treatments to exterior spider nesting sites can help reduce the numbers of spiders when combined with an overall pest management program.
Although there are many harmless spiders, there are also dangerous ones. If numerous spiders and bites have occurred, it is important to identify the species of the spider. If further problems or questions arise, a professional should be consulted to conduct a thorough inspection and recommend possible treatments
For more information on spider control services contact us.